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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ello people. Sorry lag super alot again. YAY new year, new beginning! AHahah :D 
Shall not talk about unhapppy stuff!!! 
Let's see what's fun about my life. Hmm. Taiwan people are coming!!! ZOMG I realized that I haven't posted anything about the trip yet ._. Shall do so one day. Yupp!!
Well well... OH Mr Loo is super funny!! 604 ftw man!! If Mr Robin knows what Mr Loo do to us in class ah, I think he'll faint ttm haha. 
This sem, have many many APs coming up! I should be taking all 4 :O Should be alright cept Chem >.< Really GG ttm de!! Needa study like mad. Ohgosh :( 
I like Bio lah really. Oh joining the biomedical symposium again hahah. Learnt alot alot of things from the first training session just now. Hope will perform well and not let the school down :D 
LOL SIAN my post is so non-substantial. Like all useless stuff de >.< DIE. Okay, will post pictures up soon :)
OH OH I've got a Polaroid for my bday pressie this year!!! From my cousins <3 So happy hahhaha. I've never even touched one before this XD I damn noob right hahah ._. So many ppl have and just take it for granted, but I really cherish mine luhh :) 
That's it for now ba! 

penned wholeheartedly @ 10:15 PM

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Just so you know, my this blog isn't dead yet!!
Hostel internet blocks blogger, so I couldn't post.
Posting from my ARP lab haha. But toot, here I using the lab com not my com, so no pics to show too ):

Life has been okay... I guess...
Just survived a week of SIYCF practice + ARP daily. Not bad right? I know I'm pro ^^
SIYCF is fun :D 5 days full day choir. Not bad eh (: It's nice...
Like, the people there really like choir...
I've been in choir since P2 you see... Choir girl through and through. Though my singing sucks XD

I like the songs too... The cloths of heaven <3 <3. Nice ttm. 
Life's cool :D

penned wholeheartedly @ 3:00 PM

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Realized that I haven't posted here for a long time. Mostly due to the fact that my acc here is my hotmail. Then whenever I wanna sign in to blog, I have to log out my gmail. Which is kinda bad cos my gmail is like the first tab on my browser and logged in 24/7. Downloaded rockmelt. Using this to post here. LOL (:

Sept hols alr. Kinda fast...
Last posted here in May. So let's see. June hols... Kinda fun. Yeah. Like, sort of enjoyed it... Then school reopen. Not bad for a start... Youth Day and stuff. Then Beijing. Then back. Then Tioman. Then now. Yeah.

I should post here more often. My private blog is kinda emo now. I mean. Amanda's never meant to be an emo lil kid. (: So, yupp. Back to the superwoman AMANDAAAAA :D

penned wholeheartedly @ 7:50 PM

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I guess I need to stay happy.. It's like.. One of those times that I am super emo againz. And I should also stop complaining to people. My problems, I should resolve. Why do I trouble people. As if anyone is obliged to listen to me liddat. As if they don't have their own problems, don't have things to do... I'm sorry...

Hope I've done that, one way or other, during the selection camp. I see endless potential in everyone...

Right, went Kbox with Mr Yee... Shall post the photos up next time. It's kinda sad that he's leaving. Since Year 1 leh... Will miss him!

And at last I see the light, and it's like the fog has lifted...
And at last I see the light, and it's like the sky is new...
Tangled (Rapunzel)- I See the Light

penned wholeheartedly @ 12:30 AM

Friday, April 22, 2011

Whee picture time! I <3 pictures XD

Muahaha my bluetackbakery. CUTE right! Stuff you do during a boring lesson :b

Oh muahah stuff you do during hostel year :b I FILLED A POOL IN MY ROOM haha XD beat that

Heh my current phone wallpaper. Lovely lil' nephew lucas <3 UBER CUTE!

heh TOLDYA HE'S CUTE. carrying my bag... O.o love the moment where he fell asleep on my shoulders when i was carrying him XD

OHWELL lol random photo. But. what does leadership mean to u? what does responsibility mean to u? what does commitment mean to u? what do these badges mean to u, seriously! (quote bev, i look like a girl scout >.< )

Time flies. It's been almost five months into the year already.
I have to let go. I have to forgo. I have to forget.
I have to be myself. I have to focus.
I have to do the things that I have to do. And the things that I can do. And the things that I want to do. 
I have to WAKE UP. Those days are never gonna come back again.
I have to... and I will... be happy...

penned wholeheartedly @ 11:55 PM

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Long time no post! hehe. Just some pics ba! Since I'm back home and can post em. Stupid hostel internet doesnt allow me to post pics here.

CNY performance!! SO cute rights, the rabbit year. But in the end they don't allow us to wear it >.<

Research Congress Poster (:

Mannnnn, practical circuitry. I hope my prac test was okay...

penned wholeheartedly @ 11:10 PM

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

penned wholeheartedly @ 11:21 PM

Monday, February 14, 2011

hehe happy vday everyone!

penned wholeheartedly @ 7:48 PM

Thursday, February 3, 2011



penned wholeheartedly @ 11:12 PM

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I haven't posted yet for another long time. I don't know what to say. Pictures speaks a thousand words right? Here they are.
Letters I wrote for 405 peeps on the last day of school (learning day)

After Chinese script checking, we went class outing---- Climbing Bukit Timah Hill!

 The very last day of school. We were supposed to be cleaning up our classroom but who cares. I <3<3<3 Hui Min and Anzhi. We had a great year together, and I thank them alotalot. I really do not want to change classes. I still want them to be beside me. It just feels, different without them, like I'm lacking something.

Former 203-ians! After 4 years tgt, I doubt we will have another 2 more years. So, a last photo =D


That's my life so far. O.o
Nothing exceptional. Smile. =D

penned wholeheartedly @ 11:52 PM

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I just wanna have a loooooong bubble bath to wash away all my stress and worries...

penned wholeheartedly @ 9:43 PM

Friday, October 8, 2010


再看过你传给我的每一通简讯   还是很甜蜜
第一次牵你的手我紧张到不行   多美的回忆
但现在你每天对我生气  搞得我真的不想再理你
你如果真的要这样任性  我只好说   Oh..请继续
You are my sweetie 不讲理  怎么我离不开你
You are my baby   宠着你   我还是那么爱你

你不要疯狂的偷看我的简讯    你有点神经
不要一直追问我和朋友去哪里    不想告诉你
可现在你每天管东管西    搞得我真的很想要揍你
你如果真的要这样任性  我只好说   Oh..请继续
You are my sweetie 不讲理   怎么我离不开你
You are my baby   宠着你   我还是那么爱你  oh~爱你

常常被你惹的心里好气    搞得真的不想再理你
你如果真的要这样任性   我只好说   Oh..请继续  oh~
You are my sweetie  不讲理   可是我离不开你
You are my baby  宠着你   我还是那么爱你 (that'sright)
我还是永远会这么爱你  我的心里永远都只有你

penned wholeheartedly @ 12:19 AM

Friday, September 3, 2010

OMG how time flies... Today is the last day of the term. I feel... Sad. Really. This term seems super short, but yet super stressful too.

Council Selection Camp. With only a handful of meetings and a super short amount of preparation time, I'm surprised at how we managed to hold it that well. I must say that all councilors are really very responsible and efficient people. The first night was Friday night, we missed CCA for the final briefing. We had a short night game before lights off. I must admit that being a facil is much better than being a camper. I do not have to hurry while bathing as I do not have lights out. After bathing, we continued to do the teachers' day presents. I really need to thank Chris, Cheryl, Wen Li and Janice for staying up so late to help. The second day was a series of activities and I stayed under the hot sun for the whole morning (tannnnnnned!!!). Third day morning, after IEMA, we had around 2 hours to sleep, but I must really thank Wen Li who, instead of sleeping, continued to help me do the teachers day presents. After break camp, we had a super long evaluation (3hr+) in the hall. We arranged the tables into a big circle (: Then, I stayed to do teachers' day presents all the way till 9+. It's funny sometimes how my body is like, supernormal. I woke up at 2.30am and can stay hyper all the way till 9.30pm.. :b I must say that through this camp, I really got to know my juniors more, and about how to distinguish those with the characteristics we want and those without.

Sports Day. OMG OMG OMG FLEMING GOT SECOND!!!!!!!!!! This is really heartening. We went from 1st to 4th. Then slowly to 3rd. And this year we're 2nd. FLEMING!!! May our eagle fly high. Ms Wong said in class break that she heard that "Fleming is always last, but they have good leaders". Hmm. Like, Eliza? Raghav? Donovan? Marianne? Jia Qing? Hahahha XD Shrugs. But anyway, I'm really really very happy and proud of Fleming. Kudos to all the runners which brought glory to our house! I know I can't run, but woooooots~ We have people who can. So, jiayous for those people! I've also noticed a few juniors with potential. Hope they can remain enthu. Actually, yeah, I've always felt that when you involve people and give them responsibilities, they'll be different, and I tried during Sports Day and it sort of worked. Even simple stuff will make a difference. For example, I appointed two year 2 girls to be in charge of the face painting. They look playful and reluctant at first but after I explained to them what to do etc in a serious tone, I can see that they've changed. They agreed, took charge, and really went around painting people's faces. GOODJOB to them. Yowl are in my good books now =D

Teachers Day. As a co-I/C of gifts, I must really thank all the SCs, and non-SCs who came and help. Non SCs namely Emily, Hui Min, Jiaqin, Jiurui, Jia Huan, Cai Yu, He Ning, Tianran. Thanks alotalot. Without any one of your help, we would not have completed the gifts in time. Thanks so much (though I doubt anyone will see this post). I shall not continue to elaborate about teachers' day. Just, I think that it is successful, and GOODJOB to everyone.

Choir. I've no idea why but I became the person to liaise with the external organisations for the Choir CIP, but I'm really happy that i am, cause it's what I like to do. Actually, I would like to do CIP without getting the points. Yeah. I think that it is superficial to do CIP just cause you need the points. We should do it from our heart. If it's not from your heart, then it's not worth doing. yupp. Tianran and I also managed to get the teachers' day gift for Miss Lim. And super sorry and super thankkkkkkkssss to Tianran that he did decoration of the gifts all by himself. I've always had the impression that he's a bad guy but there are certain times when he was really nice and thoughtful. Maybe, perhaps, he's not as bad as I think he is. OH choir. I went to the NUS Choir thingy yesterday. They are really pro. Their Sops are like Descants~ I don't think I can hit the note. Then today during cca Choir I had no more voice to sing the high notes already. But Miss Lim made us sing one by one >.< I sucked la seriously. Ahh wtv. Since when did I sound nice anyway. I'm not made for singing after all. Shall never sing ever again.

Tests. OMG la. I'm so dead. Took my Physics test today. Really gone case already. I did badly in my chem test also. I don't know, but I was really depressed then. I don't like. I don't like the fact that I paid attention in class and went home to do all the DIY questions but I still got lower than Anzhi. Maybe I'm reallyyyyyy very stupid. Hmm. OH AND CHINESE TEST! OMG la I wrote the number wrongly!! My 2 marks!! If not I'll get the same score as Jiaqin!! What an accomplishment. Haiz, wasted. Oh and econs test. Think it's like the only one happy thing out of a whole pile of dung. My econs test was not bad. I'm glad. Really. Kudos to myself. I really studied. It paid off. So now my best subject is econs?! WOW. <- sarcastic.

Okay, I don't know what to say already. Goodnight then!

我好想好想飞 逃离这个疯狂世界
那么多苦 那么多累 那么多莫名的泪水

penned wholeheartedly @ 10:54 PM

Friday, August 13, 2010

It's been almost one month since I last posted. I'm really posting less these days. What do I have to say? Hmmm. This semester... It feels, very different. Firstly, the previous semester felt like the shortest as compared to all the other years. So it is quite unbelievable that it's August now. I might be still living in March.
This semester... It feels, different. Different from last semester. Actually no, maybe not this semester. It might be just me. Me and the person. And the person will know who I am referring to cause I've mentioned it before. I... I want us to be happy everyday. We have less than 4 months left till the end of this year and I want this year to be a super fun and memorable year.
This semester, I can feel all the pressure adding up. There are times when I really don't feel like doing anything and just want to sleep. And never wake up. There are times when I just want to cry. There are times when I just want someone to care. I think I have too much responsibility on my back. Sometimes, my one saturday can be used for 3-4 things, and my one free period can have like 3 activities I'm supposed to go. And on top of that, I'm don't really understand physics and PPV, and now, maybe even chem. HOW GREAT. If my weekends are busier than my weekdays, and I do not have time on weekdays, then WOW when will I ever have time?
Let's not talk about sad stuff. Happy stuff happy stuff!
DSA CAMP!! My group is as follows:
Through this camp, I concluded that guys are really very immature and girls are much better than them =D

Ohright, hahaha, thanks to the brilliant mind of AMANDA THE SUPERWOMAN muahahaha, fleming drumming team is really forming!! I know I can't run fast and can't win points for my house, but at least now, I can play my part and help to hype up the atmosphere etc. I really hope that one day, the spirit of houses will be like that of Harry Potter! It's really really cool for that. I also still support my own view that the winner of the house cup should not be judged mainly by their performance on sports day because that simply means that the lucky house that has more people in track team will win. They should encompass different aspects of "winning" such as other sports, or even  chess ( fleming owned the rest last time), or maybe maybe number of ppl with CAP > 4.5!! That would be a much fairer estimate of the "champion house". Nonetheless, the drumming sessions were very fun and I hope that those who came enjoyed and valued the experience as much as I do. No one else is doing this other than us!! =DD

OH! National day performance! I made like the bravest decision in my whole life so far, which is to take up a solo part. No doubt it's only 3 lines, but that's enough for me to be nervous till I almost died. Haha.

Muahahaha I look quite okay after all. I'm never gonna do that again. I don't sound nice anyways.

Ohright ohright, class outing!! Hui Min did not go. I envisioned myself to be emo-ing at a corner, blowing bubbles, but DARN IT i forgot to bring my bubble thingy. haha. I brought my frisbee though. It was fun =D I spent most of the time with Anzhi and Chen Wei in the end.
We look so retarded. Haha. Though there were unhappy moments, it was fun after all. I... I liked it when Chen Wei and I went to sit on the beach when Anzhi was bathing. The feeling was nice. The sun wasn't too bright, and the breeze was really nice. Haha. I'm gonna do that with my boyfriend next time! HAHAHHA. If I'll even have one~

I also went to attend the YOG Opening Ceremony Rehearsal and NDP Heartlands Celebration- Bishan. It was great to be there. These two major events of this year are really close together and I thought that I would not be able to attend any of them. I went for both in the end! Happy happy~ You know, really, it's one of those rare moments that I really really feel proud to be a Singaporean, and dare to say it out. Usually, maybe it's the environment I'm in whereby there are many international students in my school, or just that the rest of the teenagers really don't care about their country. But I don't know. It seems to be really odd to be patriotic. Normally people will go "eeee" if someone advocates for patriotism. I mean, really. I can't imagine like Hui Min saying the pledge with pride etc. But at the YOG and NDP thingy, I really felt it. The people around me, they are all not afraid to show their love for their country. I think it's  the first time I've sang the National Anthem loudly for like 6-7 years? I remember in P1 when we started singing it we all sang super loudly. Then don't know since when, around P4-5, I suddenly realised that all my friends around me are not singing it loudly. Some even refused to sing. Really, seriously, do they just not bother, or do they don't like Singapore? I think, sometimes I may complain this and complain that about Singapore, but at the end of the day, it is still my home, it is where I belong. I don't think I can ever find a better place than this.

Tribute to Singapore
Whenever I am feeling low, I look around me and I know
There's a place that will stay within me, wherever I may choose to go
I will always recall the city, know every street and shore
Sail down the river which brings us like, winding through my Singapore
This is HOME, truly, where I know I must be,
Where my dreams wait for me, where the river always flows
This is HOME, surely, as my senses tell me
This is where I won't be alone, for this is where I know it's home

We're a rainbow of a thousand colours lighting up the sky
Share the Singapore heartbeat, together you and I
We are one Singapore, one nation strong and free
A thousand different voices, sing in harmony
We will stand together, together hand in hand
As one united people, for Singapore, my homeland

Believing in trust, it must, be possible to overcome anything
There's so much to do, there's so much we can contribute

Where I belong, where I keep my heart and soul
Where dreams come true for us
Where we walk together hand in hand towards a future so bright
Where we are one big family
I want the whole world to know I wanna shout it out loud
That this is where I know I belong

We are Singapore, we are Singapore, 
We will stand together, hear the lion roar
We are Singapore, we are Singapore
We're a country strong and free forever more
Above are all from my memory. Don't know whether it's pure drilling into my head since I was young or what, but I really feel it when I sing those songs. I don't just sing for fun. Actually this does not just apply to Singapore larh. Just change "Singapore" to other countries will do. I bet they will feel the same for their country too.

Okay, enough said. me, got to go. =D

Really, why, why do Singaporeans not like their country?
Is it cause they're complacent and don't care?
Is it cause they like other countries more?
Why? I really wanna know.
Me, for me, I do <3 my country. But sometimes, I just don't dare to say it out.
Is that me being bad, being disrespectful?
Which is more disgraceful actually?
Not liking your country, or like but do not dare to show it?
I think it's the latter...

penned wholeheartedly @ 11:32 PM

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wow a super late post about my june stuff. I did not really take many photos during June.. Yeah... Just a few random ones ba XD

My socks!!!!!!! Cute right ^.^

And this is soooooo sweeeet =D


Still <3 this epic photo of bev sleeping with her hand on her phone (in case someone texts her!!) during council camp

Oh another cute sock of mine

Heart made of candles during RCLF final night
don't know why can't rotate this, but it's chocolate printed with a heart!!
YDSP world of science- materials science module
i can't rotate this too, but it's the front of the fbt wenli and i painted for chris
and guess what? this is the back =D
ok, that's it.. off to do hw =X

penned wholeheartedly @ 10:34 PM

Tuesday, June 22, 2010 by Plain White T's

Give me more lovin then i've ever had.
Make it all better when i'm feelin sad.
Tell me that i'm special even when i know i'm not.

Make me feel good when i hurt so bad.
Barely gettin mad, 
I'm so glad i found you.
I love bein around you.
You make it easy, as easy as 1 2, 1 2 3 4 

Theres only one thing two do three words four you, I love you.
Theres only one way two say those three words and that's what i'll do, I love you

Give me more lovin from the very start.
Piece me back together when i fall apart.
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends.

Make me feel good when i hurt so bad.
Best that i've had.
I'm so glad that i found you.
I love bein around you.
You make it easy as easy as 1 2, 1 2 3 4

Someday, someone will sing this to me ^.^
If only it is really as easy as 1,2,3,4...

penned wholeheartedly @ 10:51 PM

Friday, June 18, 2010

I GOT TAGGED BY TIANYI~~~ on fb. but i dun wan everyone seeing this. so yeah:

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 30 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose any number of people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I'm Amanda =D
2. I <3 purple (the lavendar kind)
3. I <3 Show Luo Zhi Xiang
4. I <3 singing
5. I <3 skating~~
6. I feel old... sixteen already... =X
7. I have the sudden feeling that I don't want holidays to end
8. I wanna go for a 毕业旅行 this year though I ain't really graduating
9. I want a dog
10. I have a terrapin
11. I had a terrapin which committed suicide
12. I had 2 fish which committed suicide too
13. I still think that I am a good owner
14. I don't know the world well, took hours to find Scotland and Amazon river on the globe
15. I hate chilli
16. I can't cycle
17. I think I'm over-dependent
18. I have not finished my Chinese hw yet!
19. I wish I could be different
20. I hate my life sometimes
21. I think I'm weird
22. I think Tianyi and I are gonna be great friends =D
23. I know that the R25s will survive this ordeal
24. I wish I could be a princess
25. I have 2 blogs =D But the other one is for invited ppl only
26. Ice cream makes me happy
27. Chocolate makes me happy
28. I am the moon
29. I bring warmth
30. I am a superwoman =D 

Yay I'm done =D

penned wholeheartedly @ 10:32 PM

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


当年的你什么都怕  怎么会变成了警察
你不是说永远不嫁  抢先生了个胖娃娃
我们都在偷偷的长大   把简单都变的复杂
当初最简单的梦可别忘啦 喔~

没有一点少数尴尬   尖叫着彼此的变化
谁发了财谁是苦哈哈   这一刻烦恼谁理他
我们还在慢慢的长大   迟早会看见白头发
女生天生的单纯不会氧化 喔~


penned wholeheartedly @ 10:11 PM

Monday, June 7, 2010

你那么爱她   为什么不把她留下 
你深爱她 这是每个人都知道啊 

你那么爱她   为什么不把她留下 
眼底星空 流星开始坠落 

眼底星空 流星跌落手中 
谢谢你陪我陪爱 听雨吹风 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 我给你最后的疼爱是手放开



penned wholeheartedly @ 7:31 PM

Sunday, May 30, 2010

See how long it's been since I blogged: exams were here and gone, post-exams activities were here and gone, SIMC week was here and gone, and tada- it's the holidays! Seems like i've to blog about many many stuff XD

My exams are still okay la, and I'm still marveled at the fact that I got quite high for my Physics exams. I was thinking of dropping physics next year O.o

Post exam activities... Hmmm. There was a sports enrichment programme and Hui Min and I chose Air Rifle. It was cool okay =D I can be a sniper =D

Oh then yeah Hui Min and I went for Luo Zhi Xiang's 3D concert too! Really nice. Seriously. So nice that I can't describe it now :b And it feels like it's over very quickly, as if it's shorter than a movie.... Haiz, hope he can come and have his concert part II !! Hahah. After I saw him, it suddenly dawned on me that I haven't seen him for such a long time. Heh. The itch is comin back~

Oh and I had Delf exams for French too. The paper part was okay but the oral part... Hur hur hur. I need to brush up on my oral skills =D Yeap, I know I do. I think I can pass the A1 and A2 I took, so let's hope I can pass B1, or even B2 by this year =D

After Delf A1 on Monday, I went out with Ruthanne to Plaza Sing to watch Shrek. Haha super cute! My first shrek movie. I wanna watch the previous ones already =D After Delf A2 on Tuesday, I met with Abigail at City Hall to make Miss Tay's scrapbook =D The next day, Ruthanne and I went to DSO for our project interview. We have no knowledge whatsoever about programming but was given this project. Hmm. Hope we can do it. It sounds interesting actually, better than the other Math projects (: Then we went to Bugis for lunch and we bought a new bag each =D Finally I've got a new bag! It doesn't really look amanda-ish but never mind, it's mine now =D Then the next day, I met up with Abigail at Bugis to finish up the scrapbook. Haha see how I've spent my four days? Ruthanne-Abigail-Ruthanne-Abigail. Haha.

Then from Friday-Saturday, there was the overnight field trip to Semakau. Reached there around late noon, free and easy till dinnertime. Tried to learn how to cycle but failed. And I sprained my ankle while trying to get off the bike. HEH so pro right. Maybe skating still suits me more =D Actually I think I'm born to skate. I feel very free and relaxed while on skates. Like I'm flying~ I'm free~ And nothing can stop me~ I didn't sleep the whole night. Was at the pantry most of the time, and went outside for awhile to lie down on the floor and look up at the nightsky. The moon was very round and bright, as of most Semakau trips cause that's when the tide is the lowest. I was just lying there, staring up at the sky, feeling how enormous the universe is, and how minuscule I am, and for an instant I did not have any worries or stress at all, just being grateful that I am in this world right now, able to admire the nightsky =D Then I went back to the pantry after being bitten by irritating mosquitoes. Hah. Was smsing two ppl through the night. both promised to accompany me through the night- One kept daoing, one fell asleep halfway. Hah. I managed to stay awake by.. uhh... doing chinese practice papers. Haha.

At 4.45am we set off to our survey site. It is not the usual place, but somewhat nearer to the visitors' centre. There was a steep rock-face down and it was very slippery and I was super scared, but it was okay in the end. Jiayi and I paired up. When we were walking to our zone, we passed by an illegally casted net. Ron said he would walk down the net to see if there were any turtles trapped. A while later, he shouted that there were sharks caught. Black tip reef shark. Jiayi and I went over to see- two sharks, one almost adult-size, and one smaller. They were dead by then. Some time later Ron found another shark down the net too, dead. At the end of the survey, we destroyed the net. The fishermen's boat was like 50m away from us while we rolled up the net, hauled it up the rock-face and cut it up right in front of their face. Stupid fishermen. If they wanna fish then jolly well use hooks, not nets. Turtles and sharks can be caught in there and will die! So much so for us, so many volunteers, to put in our effort and time every month to go there to survey the area so that we can get the are protected by nparks.

Two of the three dead sharks. It is often very disheartening to see how many innocent animals lost their lives due to the stupidity or selfishness of mankind. 

On a lighter note, my mom bought me a huge apple one day, and guess what, it's so cute that i started taking photos with it. I CAMWHORED WITH AN APPLE! hhahah XD there you go:
This apple is seriously huge. I've never seen such a big apple in my whole life XD Probably twice the size of normal apples XD

I have a dream, that one day, no animals will die due to the cruelty of humans....
I have a dream, that one day, everyone will be as loving to animals as they love their family members...
The three sharks, I want to let you know that at least you did not die in vain. They've brought your bodies back to RMBR for DNA testing, to make you into specimens etc, so that many people can know more about you and learn how to preserve your relatives . 

penned wholeheartedly @ 1:03 AM