Sunday, May 30, 2010
See how long it's been since I blogged: exams were here and gone, post-exams activities were here and gone, SIMC week was here and gone, and tada- it's the holidays! Seems like i've to blog about many many stuff XD
My exams are still okay la, and I'm still marveled at the fact that I got quite high for my Physics exams. I was thinking of dropping physics next year O.o
Post exam activities... Hmmm. There was a sports enrichment programme and Hui Min and I chose Air Rifle. It was cool okay =D I can be a sniper =D
Oh then yeah Hui Min and I went for Luo Zhi Xiang's 3D concert too! Really nice. Seriously. So nice that I can't describe it now :b And it feels like it's over very quickly, as if it's shorter than a movie.... Haiz, hope he can come and have his concert part II !! Hahah. After I saw him, it suddenly dawned on me that I haven't seen him for such a long time. Heh. The itch is comin back~
Oh and I had Delf exams for French too. The paper part was okay but the oral part... Hur hur hur. I need to brush up on my oral skills =D Yeap, I know I do. I think I can pass the A1 and A2 I took, so let's hope I can pass B1, or even B2 by this year =D
After Delf A1 on Monday, I went out with Ruthanne to Plaza Sing to watch Shrek. Haha super cute! My first shrek movie. I wanna watch the previous ones already =D After Delf A2 on Tuesday, I met with Abigail at City Hall to make Miss Tay's scrapbook =D The next day, Ruthanne and I went to DSO for our project interview. We have no knowledge whatsoever about programming but was given this project. Hmm. Hope we can do it. It sounds interesting actually, better than the other Math projects (: Then we went to Bugis for lunch and we bought a new bag each =D Finally I've got a new bag! It doesn't really look amanda-ish but never mind, it's mine now =D Then the next day, I met up with Abigail at Bugis to finish up the scrapbook. Haha see how I've spent my four days? Ruthanne-Abigail-Ruthanne-Abigail. Haha.
Then from Friday-Saturday, there was the overnight field trip to Semakau. Reached there around late noon, free and easy till dinnertime. Tried to learn how to cycle but failed. And I sprained my ankle while trying to get off the bike. HEH so pro right. Maybe skating still suits me more =D Actually I think I'm born to skate. I feel very free and relaxed while on skates. Like I'm flying~ I'm free~ And nothing can stop me~ I didn't sleep the whole night. Was at the pantry most of the time, and went outside for awhile to lie down on the floor and look up at the nightsky. The moon was very round and bright, as of most Semakau trips cause that's when the tide is the lowest. I was just lying there, staring up at the sky, feeling how enormous the universe is, and how minuscule I am, and for an instant I did not have any worries or stress at all, just being grateful that I am in this world right now, able to admire the nightsky =D Then I went back to the pantry after being bitten by irritating mosquitoes. Hah. Was smsing two ppl through the night. both promised to accompany me through the night- One kept daoing, one fell asleep halfway. Hah. I managed to stay awake by.. uhh... doing chinese practice papers. Haha.
At 4.45am we set off to our survey site. It is not the usual place, but somewhat nearer to the visitors' centre. There was a steep rock-face down and it was very slippery and I was super scared, but it was okay in the end. Jiayi and I paired up. When we were walking to our zone, we passed by an illegally casted net. Ron said he would walk down the net to see if there were any turtles trapped. A while later, he shouted that there were sharks caught. Black tip reef shark. Jiayi and I went over to see- two sharks, one almost adult-size, and one smaller. They were dead by then. Some time later Ron found another shark down the net too, dead. At the end of the survey, we destroyed the net. The fishermen's boat was like 50m away from us while we rolled up the net, hauled it up the rock-face and cut it up right in front of their face. Stupid fishermen. If they wanna fish then jolly well use hooks, not nets. Turtles and sharks can be caught in there and will die! So much so for us, so many volunteers, to put in our effort and time every month to go there to survey the area so that we can get the are protected by nparks.

Two of the three dead sharks. It is often very disheartening to see how many innocent animals lost their lives due to the stupidity or selfishness of mankind.
On a lighter note, my mom bought me a huge apple one day, and guess what, it's so cute that i started taking photos with it. I CAMWHORED WITH AN APPLE! hhahah XD there you go:
This apple is seriously huge. I've never seen such a big apple in my whole life XD Probably twice the size of normal apples XD
I have a dream, that one day, no animals will die due to the cruelty of humans....
I have a dream, that one day, everyone will be as loving to animals as they love their family members...
The three sharks, I want to let you know that at least you did not die in vain. They've brought your bodies back to RMBR for DNA testing, to make you into specimens etc, so that many people can know more about you and learn how to preserve your relatives .