Monday, September 14, 2009
Haha it's been a loooong time since I posted. Ok not that long I guess. This is one of the rare posts of me saying happy stuff =p I realised that as I grow up, my posts are getting more and more emo-ish.
Amanda started to blog in P6 to blog about skating lessons.
Amanda used to blog only about happy stuff.
Amanda used to be only have happy thoughts.
Amanda now blogs about emo stuff =X
Ok it's time to share with all of you some happy stuff: my sept hols!
This year's March Holiday: Astro, French make-up, TXY yingxin...(NO REST!)
This year's June Holiday: TXY peixun, NEA camp, PHY camp, YORECAmp...(STILL NO REST!)
This year's Sept Holiday: I smart I never plan alot of stuff... (REST FINALLY!)
OK now let's seeeee... Before sept hols... 31/08/09, teachers' day pressies!

Files for Miss Tay and Miss Mariko

Miss Tay's Cushion! (Kudos to Tianran)

Miss Mariko's Cushion! (Kudos Kudos to Tianran & Xuehe)

Thank you cum Tchrs' Day card for Mrs Lim (Kudos Kudos Kudos to Tianran)

That's the inside. Hahah good, never spell anything wrongly. hahaha

Cap for Jean Marc (Kudos to Chris, and i still think it's too cute for him)

French poem for Jean Marc (Kudos to Jayashri)

Card for Jean Marc, with all our wishes (Kudos to Wen Hui)
Yupp that's the end of it. Now now, Sept hols!!
First up....... Sunday 06/08/09, Choir Outing!!
Although not many people turned up, was quite fun =p
And I think the year 3s know one another much more now. I guess. Maybe not the guys. =p

Yay Year 3 girls. And yes, we know one another more now.

it's abit ego but I really love this pic. MAYBE i shall retake violin lessons. gosh shldnt have stopped last time. 7yrs old grade 4 leh. crap should have continued. now diploma liao lo.

me, abigail, thao, ruthanne, tianran, xuehe
and yupp we rock. love all of you!! (as in friend kind of love)

On the way to ECP. Haiz the two guys ah... Sit so far sia. emo ah

thao, nikki, me, ruthanne, abigail
ok i think girls like to be in groups more than guys do....

sorry this abit ego tooo but it's the first pic of me wearing my skates and i think that the lighting and ambience is reallly very niceeeee.

Overaged kids at the playground =p

tianran, xuehe, thu, ruthanne, me, thao, binh, abigail, nikki
all on wheels, readdy to goooo =p

emo kids VS sweet couple @ bedok jetty

Hahah and that's me feeding everyone ruffles. I feel like a mama bird going back to the nest and feeding little birdies =p

and that's us @ bedok jettyy. we rock, no?

and yes, us again... we look so great we just cant have enough pics =p

and then it's bowling. tianran and xuehe left though. and ivy didnt play.

and can you belive it? I was top scorer!! haha. 96 =X

and that's us outside the bowling center

and here are the three "JANUARY-TWENTY-EIGHT"s.
binh: 28/01/92..... me: 28/01/94..... ivy: 28/01/95

ruthanne is ace spades, abi is 3 diamonds, i am queen hearts <3
that's the end of the choir trip.
Next, Monday 07/09/09, Chinatown Herritage Tour
Krystal wanna go so I asked her to sign me up tooooo =p
Although during pri sch i've been to such tour like many many times. and i still rmb them.

Temple of the Heavenly Peace

That's us =p

and that's her iphone. crap i want an iphone too =X
That's about it for the trip. Didnt take much photos cos I was paying attention.
I'm serious O.O
the next day, Tuesday 08/09/09... Bugis shopping with wenli, Dinnerrr

we went yoshinoya for lunch. and both of us ordered the same thing. and as usual wenli finished much slower than me =p she eats wayy to slowly

we went iluma =p and saw this looong escalator that spans over 4 storeys

taking photos on the looong escalator

i actually quite like the curvy and futuristic feel of iluma. Just that it's abit too empty.

and i'm currently in love with this shop. E111. Many cute bags.

Had Zhong Yuan Jie Dinner at night =p
They take like 20min to serve a dish -.-

and i received my payment for the attachment reflection article thingy. 20bucks =p
there goes one day of shopping. and both wenli and i did not bring enough money.
so the next morning, Wednesday 09/09/09... Shopping + Class BBQ

this is cute, no? hahah i love it. and it's small. it's time i get a small bag.=p

and of cos domo kun! i'm loving domo kun. so cute!!
domo kun handbag

and domo kun pouch! cute right?
i am currently so in love with this.
it's like, whenever i feel sad or mad, once i look at it, i can't help but smile =p
may seem weird to other ppl but it really works miracles for me =p
it's time i find something that make me smile right?

after that, went to mrs yeo's condo for class bbq!

tada 305 rocks

mrs yeo's baby girl decided to give minh the bear!! oh no...

and barn seems like the captain of the ship. it's as if he's not tall enough


bbq, fan fan fan

when people are fanning, minh is sleeping, some are swimming, chenwei is listening to music and dancing -.-
and mr and mrs yeo's happy family =p they look sweet. that's the kind of family life that everyone hopes to have right? yea, me too. i really do.

they're trying to bully the baby.

<3 mr and mrs yeo <3
305's papa and mama
and that's the end of wed.
then... thursday, 10/09/09... Jurong Island + lucas come my house

those are the tags we had to put on before entering jurong island

and here's us wearing a*star labcoats and safety goggles for the lab tour
me, abigail, valarie, joelle

and here's baby lucas! 6 months old liao. getting cuter and cuter =p

and yes he can push his head up now =p can sit soon =p

in this position, if not held properly, will topple and fall to the side. utterly cute.

and he can play soccer!! =p hahah thisis not child abuse. it's beachball and is very soft.

and played mahjong with agnes of couse. hahaha. and i lost =X again. as usual. this is bad.
And the rest of my hols are spent playing with lucas. and then chionging homework on sunday.
hahah i love this sept hols! and i hope dec can come soon so i can play with lucas more.
should be able to crawl or walk by then. much cuter =p
and of course i hope that we can have another choir outing or class outing.
just going to someone's house and watch horror films through the night is fun and memorable enough. hope so. hope so.
and it's 1:38am liao. gosh i took so long to finish this post. all the uploading of photos lorhh. hahah. and googlechrome is weird. and safari is weird too. using firefox now. hahah.
anyways. that's about it. i may post again sometime soon.
But i have to do lotsa stuff. ok let's list:
1. DV presentation!!!
2. Music Majors Rectials Article
3. Finish up LY huixun chang tan tian
4. Go health checkup for OBS
and others. so i shall stop here. whoever you are, thanks for having the patience to read up to here. my life aint that interesting you see, so thank you =p
and goooooodnight =p
through the outings, i realised that i have many more friends around me actually
much more than i thought so
i realised that, i should, start realising them
ok does this make sense? it does right?
yupp i should start looking around me and cherish all the friends i have =p