Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Okayy.. Went for SG e Awards on 7th. (SAW XCS PEEPS!! so qiao la!! omg i miss them la.. last time go event with them is like 2yrs ago, but they still recognise me lo XD and they're still the same old peeps... gosh... i rly miss gg out with them... Oh and HAH i tink chris and wei han were so shocked by me and hui min XD they finally saw the other side of me XD ahhaha lool but that side only appears like, once in two years? ohwell u two dun be so frightened that you all dun wanna be frens with me liao ok? hah usually, i am the normal, non-eccentric amanda =p )
It was fun...
It was freaking fun.
kind of rekindled my passion for the idol(s)? and i became so scream-ish.
That mood was so distant, like 2 years ago, but on that day, it all came back.
it was as if no time has passed.
it was like, nothing changed.
it was the same HIGH atmosphere, the same SHUAI show, the same SCREAMY huimin nxt to me...
The feeling is.. "indescribable".
The feeling of having a scream down in your throat and you cant stop it from coming out,
the feeling of wanting to see him just for ONE more second O.O
the feeling of running like mad just to chase after him...
the feeling of your heart thumping like mad when you finally chased him and stopped there...
okayy... it is all gone now. he's way back @ tw, and wont come till april for concert guest...
i guess... to feel that way again, i must wait perhaps another 1yr? his next album la...
but who knows what will happen from now till then? G
AHH... okayy...
quote from sms to me
" LOL go sceam wif hui min. XD lol u n ur fans dam freaky sia. XD"
quote from sms reply from me
"Lol as in. We seldom do it wad. So. When he come it's rare and every moment is precious and just wanna see him more, and close. Admiration of idol, not really everyone can understand ya? Esp guys i think. Hah. They'll think it's lame and silly? Ohwell. It's part of growing up. i will have precious experiences that some others dont! XD And when i grow up and i look back i'll laugh at how silly and naive i was, but even then, i would still be glad that i did it:)"
Hah ok so just a summary of the event... The four of
us- chris, hui min, wei han and MOI, were entrance poi
nt ushers of the day! WHEE! it wasn't very fun at first la. we were split into two. chris and hui min did crowd control (yea, i can't believe it too), while wei han
and i (tgt with some txy and their frens) did tagging. It was tough job lo. Chaotic, and hot, and stuffy, and dehydrating. Ohwell. But it was a nice experience XD i became an official professional tagger. hahahhaha. oh la la la i shant elaborate about the rest of the day.. i shall let the beautiful memories of show sink in XD hahhaha. anw, at the end of the day, i became a uber sweaty and stinky amanda, and chris became a super hungry chris, hui min became a super excited and high hui min, while wei han became a throat-super-pain-arms-super-pain wei han (thanks to the moving of the metal barricades. HAH too bad you're a guy! XD)
ok pics XD

the shirt very nice right?!! CREW HOR!!

hahha ok enuff of shirt. now abt ppl XD

hah the fantastic four =D (ok my legs look squashed)
these are taken below the seats, at the carpark XD hahaha we rock yea? no? ya la XD

and i have no idea what's with the leg raising thingy

yay we rock! of cos chris too =D

HEY we are CREW ok? dun play play hor. hahahah omg i love the shirt la XD

haha lin feng XD taken by sheng jiao XD

oh and of course luo zhi xiang la
hahah ok that's about it XD super fun XD