Tuesday, September 30, 2008
There's so much random stuff these few days:
1. I find 百家姓 so amusing I feel like memorising it.
2. Wen Li said that Mr Ang's handwriting look like mine. (??!!!)
3. We finish our Biology project in one day!!!
4. Hui Min sat in for French Class today
5. I bought the dvd of "与狗狗的十个承诺"
6. I thought that my room was on fire before I realised that the "smoke" was the water vapour from the humidifier
7. My radio switched on itself...
8. I forgot to attach the file when I sent the email to Mr Ang ( -.- )
9. Mr Soh (the one) came online at 8.30pm today!! Great achievment! (he's usually on9 in the morn onli)
11. I have three browsers now. Internet: hotmail acc and Youtube. Gchrome: Everything. Firefox: Viwawa
This is to prevent lagging =D
Just something like that la. Should be more but I shall go play viwawa now =D